洗液英雄来了 At Donaldson整形外科!-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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By Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师 |



Introducing the Newest Version of the Broadband Light (洗液) Laser 

If your skin’s nemesis is hyperpigmentation, then 洗液 HERO® is here to save the day! 

洗液 HERO is the latest innovation of the Broadband Light laser skin treatment. 洗液 treatments address pigmentation issues like sun spots, 疤痕, 雀斑, age spots to achieve a clearer and even skin tone. We have a team of dedicated and highly-trained laser specialists ready to help you achieve the skin you have always wanted with this revolutionary technology!

洗液 HERO Being Performed By A Professional

洗液 HERO是什么?

洗液 HERO is the most up-to-date version of the popular laser skin treatment. HERO型号更快, 更强大的, more comfortable for patients compared to the prior 洗液 system.

Addressing Your Biggest Pigmentation Concerns

洗液 HERO targets a number of skin concerns related to pigmentation and discoloration (ie. 红色和棕色), 比如老年斑, 太阳黑子, 雀斑, 痤疮疤痕, 酒渣鼻, 胎记和小静脉. 

Rapid Hair Removal: Quicker, Less Painful, Perfect for Larger Areas

As the laser works to correct discoloration, it also removes hair from the target areas – which most often include face, 脖子, 胸部, 武器, 腿部和背部.

What Is Different About The 洗液 HERO Model vs. 传统的桶?

HERO stands for High Energy Rapid Output, so this new model is going to save you time while also giving you better results! HERO is also performed in a continuous swipe across the area, so it eliminates the appearance of stamps or stripes which is sometimes possible with prior versions of 洗液.

Here are some additional benefits of 洗液 HERO:

  • 4x faster (this is especially beneficial when treating larger areas)
  • 更强大3倍
  • 2 .冷却(包括 CoolComfort技术 which makes the treatment much more comfortable for patients)

洗液 HERO对我有用吗?

If you struggle with unwanted pigmentation, then this is for you!

洗液 HERO can treat all skin types, but not all skin tones. This treatment is designed to break up pigment in the skin. Unfortunately, this poses a potential risk to individuals with medium to dark skin tones. Candidates for treatment with 洗液 HERO fall between 1 through 4 on the Fitzpatrick规模.

洗液 HERO Consultation In Donaldson整形外科 Office


洗液 HERO is now Donaldson整形外科’s go-to 洗液 皮肤激光技术! 开始吧, you will chat with one of our laser specialists – Angie, 佩奇, 斯泰西, or Adrienne – to discuss your skin goals. They will ensure you are a good candidate for the HERO model and map out your customized laser treatment plan.

Give our office a call at (614)-442-7610, one of our team members will help get you set up for your one-on-one consultation with one of our 洗液 HERO heroes!

Adrienne Yanich RN作者简介


As one of Donaldson整形外科’s most tenured aesthetic providers, Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师 has helped hundreds of patients feel their best through the use of advanced laser therapies, 像洗液 HALO. She is an active member of the Society of Plastic Surgical 皮肤。 Care Specialists and continues to help individuals everywhere better understand all facets of non-surgical treatments, 包括激光, 填充物和肉毒杆菌.

