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5 Frequently Asked Questions About 阴道修复手术

According to a survey from the National Women’s Health Resource Center, 56 percent of women aged 40 to 84 have experienced vaginal dryness after menopause. Women may also experience sexual changes as a result of childbirth or the natural effects of aging. Their lives can be impacted by decreased sexual sensation, 性功能减退, 还有尿失禁.

While these changes can be frustrating, there are treatment options available. diVa激光阴道年轻化 effectively treats these symptoms by stimulating blood flow and collagen production. Here are the most common questions patients have about the diVa treatment.

What Causes Age-Related Vaginal Changes?

随着女性年龄的增长, decreased estrogen production leads to thinning of the vaginal walls, 减少润滑, even tissue inflammation — all of which contribute to uncomfortable symptoms. While menopause is the most common reason for these changes, 它们也可能发生在分娩时, 母乳喂养, 化疗, certain medical procedures such as a hysterectomy.

How Does Laser 阴道修复手术 Work?

The diVa procedure uses Hybrid Fractional Laser (HFL) technology, which allows the surgeon to individually target the treatment for each patient. 当应用于阴道壁, the laser resurfaces the tissue and replaces it with healthy, 新组织. The lasers also stimulate the production of collagen, a vital substance for strong, healthy tissue.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Laser Rejuvenation?

The diVa treatment can alleviate a range of symptoms, such as:

  • Sexual dissatisfaction, including pain during intercourse
  • Increased dryness or reduced sensation
  • Accidental bladder leakage, especially when coughing, sneezing or laughing


This is an outpatient procedure performed under 局部麻醉. Each treatment takes just three to five minutes. 在手术过程中, most patients experience minimal discomfort and only a slight pressure in the treatment area. While some women experience noticeable relief from symptoms right away, others need one or more additional treatments a few weeks apart to receive the full benefit.


After the procedure, regular activities can be resumed immediately. It’s normal for patients to experience minor cramps or spotting. Women should avoid sexual intercourse for 48 hours following the treatment. 作为额外的预防措施, it’s also recommended to avoid swimming pools or bathtubs during the first 48 hours.



在哥伦布地区, women considering vaginal rejuvenation can trust our team at Donaldson整形外科. 作为一个 Diplomat of the American Board of 整形手术, Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 completes ongoing education to offer the most innovative and safe treatments available. 呼叫 us at 614-442-7610 to schedule a consultation at our 舒适的水疗办公室 and learn about reducing sexual symptoms of aging without invasive surgery or hormone treatments.

