不同类型的抽脂 | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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通过 博士. 米歇尔·西弗特|


Comparing The Various Surgical Fat Reduction Methods Available 

抽脂是不可思议的, 改变生活的美容手术,通过去除身体不同部位不需要的脂肪沉积. 这些年来, 不同类型的抽脂 techniques have been developed, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. 我们将比较当今整形外科行业中最常见的三种吸脂方式:传统的, 激光辅助和超声波辅助.

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抽吸辅助吸脂术(SAL),有时也被称为“传统吸脂术”,是一种使用薄脂肪的外科技术, hollow tube called a “cannula” to remove unwanted fat from the body. First, a surgeon makes small incisions in the targeted area. Then, 导管通过切口插入,巧妙地引导导管在皮肤下吸出脂肪细胞. This procedure is most commonly performed under general anesthesia. 


  • Effective in removing large amounts of fat in one procedure
  • Appropriate for patients at any point in their journey
  • 适用于身体的各个部位
  • 可以与…结合 other procedures like 腹部除皱s for even greater results 

The Drawbacks Of 传统抽脂术 

  • May create irregular contours in the wrong hands
  • 比其他选项更耗时 
  • 会需要更长的恢复时间吗

动力辅助吸脂是一种变化,基本上是使用振动手柄来分解脂肪,帮助吸脂更有效地进行. This is preferred for thicker and more fibrous fat deposits.” 

– Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert


激光辅助吸脂术(LAL)使用医用激光将脂肪细胞液化,然后将其从体内移除. 后麻木, 外科医生会在皮肤上开一个小切口,将激光装置插入皮肤下, 进入脂肪层. 一旦激光使脂肪细胞破裂,就用套管将液化的脂肪吸出. 

这项技术被认为比传统的吸脂术侵入性小,对于达到或接近目标体重的患者来说是理想的. This procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia. 

The Benefits Of 激光辅助吸脂

Drawbacks Of 激光辅助吸脂:

  • May not be as effective in removing large amounts of fat
  • Carries the risk of internal burn, which may make future surgeries more difficult
  • 会造成轮廓不规则 
  • Higher cost compared to traditional liposuction
  • May require multiple treatments to achieve desired results

What Are The Drawbacks Of Local Anesthesia 抽脂术?

Some liposuction procedures can be performed under both local and general anesthesia. It depends on the surgeon’s confidence that they can get somebody adequately numbed; there are limits to how much numbing medication can be used to ensure patient safety. It can also be difficult to predict and manage patient behavior in the operating room. 脂肪总量和处理区域的数量也必须考虑在内.


通常被称为VASERlipo或“超声波抽脂”,“这种手术方法首先在使用高频之前向目标区域引入医疗澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, acoustic sound waves to liquefy fat cells before they are removed from the body. Like LAL, this technique is considered less invasive than traditional liposuction. 

The Benefits Of Ultrasound-Assisted抽脂

  • 更有控制的方法 & 精确的结果
  • 保护周围神经 
  • 减轻疼痛,肿胀 & downtime 
  • 可以与…结合 腹部除皱 手术获得更好的效果
  • Enhanced skin retraction to tighten skin
  • Minimizes surgeon fatigue so more progress can be made in a shorter amount of time

Drawbacks Of Ultrasound-Assisted抽脂

  • A limit to how much fat can be safely extracted in a single session
  • Carries the risk of internal burn, albeit lower than with LAL

我们喜欢在特定情况下使用VASER. 这是伟大的男性与男性乳房, 较厚的患者, 更多的脂肪纤维层或重复抽脂患者感谢这种技术的最小内部疤痕的品质. 

– Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert


膨胀液是一种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 由利多卡因组成(防止疼痛), 肾上腺素(减少失血), 在抽吸之前,将碳酸氢钠加入生理盐水并泵入目标区域. 每个做吸脂手术的外科医生都会使用肿胀的液体来促进脂肪的去除. If enough tumescent fluid is used, it makes it basically a bloodless surgery. Some surgeons may choose to use less fluid to save time in the operating room, but this can also be reflective of how they were trained. 


这是指进入目标区域的肿胀液体的体积相对于吸脂剂的量. Tumescent liposuction involves 2 – 3 times of fluid vs. 你期望提取的脂肪量. 主要的好处是,它使整个过程几乎不流血,减少了恢复过程中的瘀伤. 手术室的流体管理 确保足够的量以尽量减少失血,同时也要控制量以降低液体过载的风险,这一点至关重要吗. I use a method that is in the 2:1 ratio range. 


  • CoolSculpting (Cryolipolysis):  An approach that uses freezing to destroy fat cells and a massage to break them up before the dead cells are metabolized naturally; this can be performed in the abs, thighs, buttocks, 下巴下面, upper arms, 沿着胸罩线和侧翼 
  • Kybella (注射溶脂):一种有控制的去氧胆酸注射,旨在减少下巴和腋窝以下的脂肪 
  • 征服ME(射频脂肪分解):利用射频能量加热皮肤下的脂肪层(不接触皮肤), causing the death of fat cells; can be used in the abs and thighs
  • SculpSure (Laser lipolysis): Similar to Vanquish, this method uses heat to destroy fat cells before the body naturally metabolizes them but uses medical lasers to get the job done; this technique can be performed in the abs, thighs, 下巴和侧翼下面 
Patient Talking With 功能医学 Doctor After 抽脂术 Surgery

Sustaining Results With 功能医学 & 生活方式干预  

Beyond the rare risk of infection that is carried with any surgical procedure, 抽脂还有另一个问题:如果不积极改变生活方式,抽脂效果很难维持. 我们强烈建议患者咨询功能健康专业人士/认证 减肥医生 建立一个可持续的生活方式计划,可以帮助延长这个过程的积极效益.

While repeat liposuction cases do happen, 当与全面的健康计划和营养计划相结合时,它们变得越来越罕见, attainable exercise goals and a strong support network.

Tradition & VASERlipo: Our Preferred Methods Of 抽脂术 

在唐纳森整形外科, 我们的委员会认证的整形外科医生采用传统和VASERlipo方法来帮助患者实现他们的目标. 这两种方法非常出色,因为它们可用于处理各种各样的情况. 传统的动力辅助抽脂术对于去除大面积的脂肪和分解一些更顽固的脂肪区域是很好的. VASERlipo是令人难以置信的更精确的轮廓和澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网多个区域在一次会议. 

在考虑抽脂时, it can be reassuring to understand the differences between traditional liposuction, 激光辅助吸脂, 超声辅助抽脂. 每一个技术, on paper, has its own advantages and disadvantages, 但你的最佳选择取决于你的个人需求和医生的偏好. Be sure to discuss your options with a qualified and 委员会认证的整形外科医生 决定最好的行动方案.

“People ask about 不同类型的抽脂 all of the time. Everyone is trained in different techniques, 所以真正重要的是你的外科医生最擅长什么以及他们对什么感到舒服. 我可以做动力辅助抽脂手术,效果和激光手术一样好. 这是技巧和你的审美眼光的问题.”

– Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert

Dr. 米歇尔·西弗特


Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert 是一位专家 俄亥俄州哥伦布市的抽脂外科医生. Throughout her tenure at Donaldson整形外科, 她已经成功完成了数百次抽脂手术,既使用了传统的动力辅助技术,也使用了VASER方法. 她继续磨练自己的手艺,努力在手术前提高澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的舒适度, her efficiency in the operating room and the individual’s recovery process. 


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